
Website Usage
This website is run by Sunshine Crafts Co., Ltd. (henceforth, “the Company”) and its affiliated companies.
Before using this website, please read the following terms of use, and only use the website if you agree to these terms.
Please be aware that the terms of use may change.
We ask that you check the latest contents of this page to keep aware of any changes.

The copyright of any text, pictures, illustrations, or other copyrighted materials (henceforth, “content”) on this website belongs to the Company or the content provider. Personal use of this content by any method (copying, altering, distribution, transmission, licensing) or for any purpose is not allowed except when permitted by copyright laws.

Additionally, problems may arise depending on the purpose and method of content usage even if it is permitted by copyright law.

We only post content on our website after careful consideration and confirmation before posting. However, the Company and content providers are not responsible for the accuracy, appropriateness, certainty, or suitability for the purpose of customers who wish to use the content, nor the safety (computer viruses or other harmful aspects) of the content. We are not responsible for any direct or indirect loss caused by accessing the information or content contained on our website.
Additionally, neither the Company nor content providers are responsible for information accessed by customers through links found on this website or any problems arising from the content thereof.

Sunshine Crafts Co., Ltd. (henceforth, “the Company”) will do our best to protect the important personal information of customers by complying with laws or other norms regarding personal information.

We recognize that the personal information of our customers is important to privacy, and we believe that it is our social responsibility to pay the utmost attention to the handling of such information.
Customers can use most of the services provided by our website without having to submit any personal information. Your personal information is not collected just by browsing this website. However, there are certain services that cannot be used unless personal information is provided by customers. With this being the case, this website has established the following “Personal Information Privacy Policy” with regards to the handling of personal information obtained by our web server so that customers may use it with peace of mind.

Personal Information Privacy Policy
We will use personal information collected from customers for the following purposes.
・In addition to complying with laws and other norms related to personal information protection, we will review the content of the personal information protection policy as appropriate and strive to improve it.
・If the provision of personal information is required, we will clarify the purpose of use beforehand and not use collected personal information for any other purposes.
・The collection and use of personally identifiable information collected from customers such as address, name, business name, phone number, email address as well as information that is not personally identifiable, but could be if collated with other information will be strictly managed.
・We will establish internal regulations and implement rational security measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, loss, falsification, and leakage of personal information to third parties.
・Personal information provided by customers will not be disclosed to third parties except in the following cases:
・Permission is given by the customer
・If disclosure is requested by law
・It is disclosed to a subcontractor to the extent necessary to provide services requested by the customer
In this case, the Company will contractually oblige the subcontractor to perform appropriate management in the same manner as the Company and will work to prevent the leakage and re-provision of personal information from the subcontractor.

・As statistical data (example: gender, customer numbers by age) that has been processed to a state where an individual cannot be personally identified
If the purpose of the personal information held by the company is fulfilled, it will be promptly deleted.

Correction of Personal Information
If a customer wishes for their own personal information that is managed by the Company to be corrected, they should contact the Company using the mail form found on this website or our customer point of contact, and we will promptly comply with requests as reasonably as possible.

Contact here for inquiries regarding personal information.
TEL. +81-78-531-4600 FAX. 078-531-4601
e-mail. info@sunshine-kougei.co.jp
Sunshine Crafts